Medication type:
Atypical antipsychotic medicine
Other names:
- Clozaril® "CLOZZ-a-ril"
- Denzapin® "DENZ-a-peen"
- Zaponex® "ZA-po-nex"
What can it be used for?
If you are 16 or over, the doctor can prescribe clozapine for you as a licensed medicine for schizophrenia if you have tried other medicines and they have not worked If you are under 16, there is less research about its use and effectiveness in young people. Even so, specialists might prescribe it ‘off label’ if it is the best medicine for you
The information on this site for Clozapine is not the same as for the other medicines.
Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic medicine.
Clozapine can be used to treat schizophrenia when other medicines have not worked.
Clozapine can have some serious side-effects.
Issues like alcohol, driving, concentration, sports, weight, sex life and fertility.